BP Batam Disbanded, Sandiaga Uno: Government Wrong

Pojok Id. The government finally decided to hand over the authority of the Batam Free Trade Zone and Free Port Zone (BP Batam) to the Mayor. This was due to the emergence of a polemic of dualism in leadership related to investment in Batam overlapping.

Responding to this, Candidate Vice President Number 02 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno stressed that the BP Batam smelting process must be carried out carefully. Because if a misstep will cause uncertainty for investors.

"This merger must be very careful. Because this must create certainty, do not cause uncertainty because there are two laws that are very overlapping here," he said at Prabowo-Sandi Headquarters, Jl Sriwijaya I No 35, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, Monday .

The government, said Sandi, must be careful to restructure investment opportunities in Batam. Because according to him, as long as the area has not been able to boost the economy of Batam.

"This must be arranged very carefully. Be very careful because this Batam, especially in the last 5 years, has been badly hit by falling economic growth. The economic growth that has so far been above the national figure has actually fallen," he added.

The low economic growth in Batam, according to Sandi, is evidence of the government's failure to manage investment areas in Batam. He also considered the management process of the management of BP Batam seemed to be in a hurry.
"It means that there is a mismanagement, there is a failed focus from the government and mismanagement from the government, this is what I have to worry about. But I don't want suudzon, but I'm afraid this is in a hurry because there is a political process. But let's sit together how to see business certainty for business people, "he explained.

Sandi added, currently there are tens of thousands of entrepreneurs in Batam who depend on themselves. They also actually have a role to create jobs.

For this reason, he considered, the government should also listen to input from employers before making the decision. That way the decisions taken can cover the interests of employers as well.
"This is what we must pay attention to in as much detail as possible. Do not make the policy rushed and it seems that it will not be comprehensive," he concluded.


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